Reseller Opportunities

When software is the core focus of your business you are likely to be asked by your customers who they recommend for hardware services or support when hardware fails. Your answer is usually “Call your local computer company”. This is a missed reseller opportunity for an additional revenue stream.

TechPoint Services

Whether your primary focus is Point of Sale, ERP or any other software solution. Being a TechPoint reseller gives your clients the hardware and on-site service requirements to minimize downtime. Quick response and great techs benefit your team and the end user.

By offering your clients hardware service and support as part of your software package, our maintenance programs could be the advantage you need to be a cut above the competition.

Bring your customers additional value by having TechPoint as a partner! No more finger-pointing between hardware and software professionals, just teamwork to get the problems solved. As your trusted and recommended hardware service provider, our combined technical representatives share a unique circumstance of mutual support. All in the best interest of serving the clients’ needs.

 What are you waiting for? Become a TechPoint reseller

Call today or email for more details on our exciting reseller opportunities!

Or talk to  us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!